Sunday, July 4, 2010

Holidays, holidays, holidays

One of the best things about working in a school is all the holidays you get. I love holidays! Last week my sister, my mum and I all went to Melbourne for some shopping at one of the DFO complexes. I have to say we were a little disappointed. The outlet had been really talked up, but we found that most of the shops didn't have anything much cheaper than the normal, full priced shops. In fact, one of the shops we went into had a dress for sale that was $5 more expensive than I had paid for it two days earlier in Torquay!! (Although I hate it more when you go shopping and find the exact same thing cheaper than the item you just purchased two days earlier!)

Yesterday we had two birthday parties we went to - a four year olds and a 21st! Both were good fun. The fouth birthday was for one of Daves neice's. She was very cute - I think she had five outfit changed while we were there, one of which was a Snow White costume - too cute. The 21st was for my cousins girlfriend, who is totally cute too!!

Had church this morning. Dave and I have been together on the music team for a number of years, but he has decided to take a little time off so I was on this morning without him for the first time - it was a little strange....not gonna lie! It was a bit funny to be able to see him while singing and worshiping, usually he's next to me or somewhere off to my side. It was also a little strange to go off to practice on Thursday night without him, he's been like a security blanket for the last few years doing music :) I think he found it strange too!

Other than some shopping, I have had a fairly unproductive time these holidays. Usually I go into crazy, clean every speck of dirt in the house mode, but this time I decided to allow myself a good lazy break. I have still done my cleaning, just a bit here and there, not at such a frenzied pace! I am proud to say however that I have watched four seasons of the Gilmore Girls!!! I love this show...but weirdly after watching it I start to talk faster than normal!

So this last week of holidays I'm having a movie day with my sister, a massage on Tuesday... you know, because I've been working really hard ;) Dinner woth some friends, a games night with some other friends, and whatever other lying around, TV watching I want to do!

Did I mention that I love holidays?!

Sharen xx

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