Thursday, August 26, 2010

End of Winter

Now, I know that at the start of Winter I posted about the things I like about winter, so that I could go back when I’m over the cold and rain and remind myself of the little things that are nice about winter.

So I went this morning and read over that post.

It didn’t work...I’m still sick of the cold! Today to work I wore 5 layers of clothing and I put socks on over the top of my stockings just to keep my toes from going numb!

We are now into our last official week of winter and hot chocolate with marshmallows just aren’t doing it for me anymore. (OK, that might have been a bit of a lie...i could have hot chocolate with marshmallows anytime!!) That reminds me I need to add marshmallows to my shopping list....

Anyhoo. The crisp clean air is now just icy and windy, my skin is getting dry from sitting in front of heaters too much, there is no lovely foliage left on the trees. Even fat days are no longer fun because I just feel frumpy!!

I have officially hit the winter doldrums.

But spring is nearly here!!

I was sitting in my lounge room the other day, doing nothing in particular, when I looked out the window.

This is what I saw...

Nothing says Spring like the cherry blossoms. I love them, their scent, the emotions they evoke for me. When they first make their appearance they instantly make me feel better about winter - and the fact it is almost over!!
Now I'm off to get some marshmallows!! Mmmhmm!

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